Frequently Asked Questions

We get lots of common questions from our snorkelling guests. Here we answer the top inquiries to help you prepare for an amazing experience seeing coral reefs and tropical fish.

What to Wear

Other FAQs

We provide masks and snorkels for a small rental fee.

Our waters are generally shallow as this is a reef flat, so fins are not always necessary. However, sometimes the swell of the waves can be a little strong so fins can come in handy at times. We have fins available for rent for a small fee.

Water shoes or sandals with straps work best to protect feet as our waters can be quite shallow and some corals are very sharp. Fins are optional, they are included in the gear rental fee.

Please ensure that your sunscreen is coral reef safe and does not contain chemicals that are harmful to our marine life.

No prior snorkelling experience is necessary. Our knowledgeable guides can assist anyone new to snorkelling by teaching you how to use the snorkelling equipment.

Yes, waterproof cameras are allowed. You will want to take lots of photos!

Generally, even at the highest tide, our Marine Park is in very shallow water. We do have a limited supply of life jackets for children available.

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